Habitats Regulations Assessment

  • The design of cost effective mitigation strategies,
  • Liaison with statutory consultees,
  • Obtaining Natural England development licences,
  • Carrying out species translocations and habitat creation work,
  • Writing habitat management plans,
  • Providing Ecological Clerk of Works, and;
  • Habitat and species monitoring.

A few examples of some of the HRA's we have worked on

New Holland Bulk Services

Year 2017
ESL Role: Provision of additional information to North Lincolnshire Council for a Habitats Regulations Assessment.
Outcome: ESL were able to demonstrate no Likely Significant Effect and with avoidance and reduction measures agreed, planning permission was granted.

Great Coates Renewable Energy Centre, Grimsby

Year 2016
ESL Role: HRA & Ornithological EcIA.
Outcome: ESL were able to demonstrate no Likely Significant Effect and with avoidance and reduction measures agreed, planning permission was granted.

Wiser Environment, Immingham

Year 2013-14
ESL Role: Disturbance to and indirect loss of habitat for roosting SPA birds, relating to increased noise, light or movement, were identified as potentially significant impacts, as were the potential for reduction of feeding habitat for birds and reduced condition or loss of certain SAC plant communities due to emissions to air.
Outcome With avoidance and reduction measures agreed, planning permission was granted.

Millennium Inorganic Chemicals, Stallingborough

Year 2012
ESL Role: A desk-based HRA using wintering bird data supplied by HEDC and the BTO, together with the results of the Phase-1 walkover of adjacent land.
Outcome Agreement was reached with the LPA and Natural England that there would be no significant effect on the estuary.

RWE Npower Renewables Ltd, Immingham

Year 2010
ESL Role: Application for an extension to a consent. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) required an updated HRA, which indicated the requirement for an Appropriate Assessment.
Outcome ESL provided detailed information to the DECC, following which the AA was able to conclude that, with conditions, the extension could be granted without significant impact to the estuary.

Helius Energy plc, Stallingborough

Year 2004-6
ESL Role: Detailed wintering bird surveys, extensive consultations and production of habitat design and management plans to inform an application for a combined biomass electricity generation and bioethanol/biodiesel manufacturing plant.
Outcome: Helius was granted Section 36 consent by the then Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (BERR).